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  • Crafts: Toilet Paper Tubes in Duluth

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    Name: Crafts: Toilet Paper Tubes in Duluth
    Date: March 25, 2025
    Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM CDT
    Event Description:

    "Join us at Duluth's Best Bread in Duluth from 6-8pm and discover the surprisingly versatile world of toilet paper tube crafting.  We'll provide all the toilet paper tubes and the inspiration you need to transform these everyday items into unique and fun creations.  And here's a bonus: if you attend three out of our four craft nights this month, you'll be rewarded with a deep discount card for Hucklebeary and a golden croissant pin to proudly display your crafting prowess!  Don't miss this opportunity to get resourceful, get creative, and get rewarded!"
    Duluth’s Best Bread-Downtown Duluth
    120 E Superior St
    Duluth, MN
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